Spicy tofu stir fry

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Stir fry is always a great way to go to get lots of great tasting vegetables in a variety of sauces.  Adding tofu and a bit of hot peppers makes it even better.

Stuffed Shells

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Pasta shells can be stuffed with a sauce made with any vegetables, and also with vegetable-based cheeses.

Josh Clopton – MMA Fighter

Professional MMA Record of 4 – 0 – 1

testI have been eating less meat in my diet for a long time, eating it only a few times a week now.  I try to always eat free-range, hormone free meat, both because it is better for me and means the animals were treated more humanely.

I feel healthy and strong, and have a high energy level.


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Aenean tincidunt tempus eros at sagittis. Nunc euismod ultrices lectus et accumsan. Nunc feugiat sollicitudin orci quis accumsan. Ut erat velit, bibendum in bibendum sit amet; congue nec velit. Nulla facilisi. Quisque feugiat, tellus non tristique dignissim, lacus lorem vulputate lectus, vel facilisis justo diam ut diam! Ut vel quam nec nisl mollis molestie. Aliquam volutpat volutpat mi ac volutpat. Donec nisi elit, sollicitudin nec feugiat nec, varius eu elit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis


Maecenas volutpat purus hendrerit leo blandit porta. Nunc dolor ligula, eleifend nec malesuada in, accumsan sit amet massa. Fusce volutpat tristique rutrum. Sed laoreet lobortis massa, et auctor mauris lobortis vel. Nam quam ipsum, venenatis in ullamcorper vel, pellentesque sed nibh. Vivamus gravida, leo vitae fermentum venenatis, mi ipsum laoreet nisl, et condimentum eros neque eu leo. Aenean erat tellus, commodo at varius ac, convallis vel justo? Nunc risus tellus, placerat quis consequat vitae, varius vitae nibh. Vivamus bibendum eros purus. Morbi hendrerit arcu ut dolor dapibus dignissim. Sed dictum scelerisque nunc eget malesuada.



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Breakfast Menu

There are endless choices, but here are some ideas for easy high-energy ways to get you day going before your first training.  Mix and match and adjust and increase quantities as suits your body.  It is good not to eat too much in the morning so your energy remains good for training.

Sample Breakfast 1

Any high quality breakfast cereal (natural granolas with unrefined sugars are the best to avoid a high/crash episode.  Use unsweetened Almond milk, and add in a banana and blueberries.  Also make a fruit shake in the blender by combining Almond milk, ice, banana, a and a few dates. If you want you can add whole grain toast or bagel with your favorite spread.

Sample Breakfast 2

Four rice cakes topped with peanut or almond butter, and then with sliced banana or apple.  Add a cup of juice.  If you want you can add whole grain toast or bagel with your favorite spread.

Sample Breakfast 3

A full cantaloup topped with granola and soy yogurt.   Three slices of whole grain toast or bagel with your favorite spread. A fruit shake from the blender with Almond milk, ice, banana, blueberries and frozen Acai puree.


Sample Breakfast 1

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin malesuada posuere ante, elementum sodales dui iaculis sit amet. Nulla facilisi. Etiam non ultricies nulla. Donec non cursus erat. Nunc leo dui, facilisis non luctus sed, tristique eu mauris. Donec rhoncus, velit eu consequat vestibulum, arcu sem tincidunt neque, quis sollicitudin tellus justo egestas erat. Suspendisse mattis enim elit, malesuada hendrerit tellus. Integer luctus aliquam diam eu imperdiet. Ut aliquam bibendum augue vel condimentum. Ut eget pellentesque turpis. Nulla facilisi. Maecenas egestas arcu id risus egestas sed lobortis tellus commodo.

urna porttitor bibendum eget

Donec eu mi non urna porttitor bibendum eget vitae odio. Morbi tristique ullamcorper egestas. Vestibulum rhoncus porta ipsum ac molestie. Nulla laoreet nisl vitae sapien aliquet sollicitudin. Cras ac sapien non diam tincidunt ultrices. Sed massa arcu, tincidunt in gravida sed, tempus sit amet ligula. In quis velit sapien. Donec commodo auctor urna at vestibulum. Etiam vulputate vulputate vestibulum. Ut sed ultricies erat.

New Fighter

I am the new Tough guy Here is my info Here is my info